Monday, September 6, 2010

Science and Jesus (3): ‘Why’ the Bible and ‘How’ the Science

In my previous article, I argued for the importance of reading the scriptures biblically. This involves the reader recognising that the bible is a theological text, which is aimed at revealing the nature of the creator God and the creator’s relationship with his creation.

My aim through these articles is to highlight the relationship between science and the Christian scriptures as opposed to the view that science is antithetical to a faith in Jesus. Pastor David Short adds some interesting comments to this issue:

There are many brilliant resources out there for those who are interested in researching into this topic. Below are some links to a few recommended sites and resources:

Centre for Public Christianity – This is a fantastic site lead by Dr John Dickson and Dr Greg Clark who are responsible for producing The Life of Jesus, The Christ Files and God Science.
Answers in Genesis
God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God
Professor John Lennox’s website
God Science: Creation, Darwin and the End of Faith
The Case for a Creator
Best Bible Science

These resources are those that I am aware of. If you have any comments to make, please feel free to add them to this post.

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