Monday, May 3, 2010

Gospel (1): The Glorious Gospel

The Gospel is our hope and joy. I ask you, what is the gospel? Is it relevant to you?

About five years ago, I went surfing at Cronulla beach with some mates. There had been large storms around the days prior to our outing. When we arrived at the beach, the surf was massive and there were sign placated all over the beach- “BEACH CLOSED”. My mates and I ignored the warning signs because we thought we knew better. We trusted in our swimming ability, which as a result failed us. Both my friends were swept out by a rip and were in a dangerous situation. Only through the grace of the life savers who were, mind you off duty, came out and rescued my friends. If it were not for the life guards, who knows where my friends would be today?

Firstly, what is the gospel? God has presented to us, in his scriptures, the state of humanity and the answer to our humanities problems- this is the gospel! We all are created in the image of God (Genesis 1 & 2), loved and prized by him. We are made to honour, serve and ultimately, follow him. In hind sight, you probably could say, I do that! I lead a good life, work hard, haven’t murdered anyone- God just wants me to be happy- right?

This is partly true. By living a good life we will honour him, but I ask you how many of us truly honour him? Ok, are you a good person?
• Have you ever lied?
• Have you ever stolen? (Anything?)
• Have you had sex with someone you aren’t married to?
• Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone you aren’t married to?
• Do you idolize people (athletes, movie stars etc) or possessions?
• Do you honestly live for and worship God whole heartily?

I have taken these from the 10 commandments (read Deuteronomy 6 in the Old Testament). This is exactly what Jesus explained to Nicodemus, the Jewish leader, that we have all sinned and we are all spiritually dead as a result (read Ephesians chapter 2 New Testament of the Bible). We are lost, stranded and broken (needing a life saver). Jesus, in the Gospel of John (chapter 3) goes on to explain, that he is God the Son, who came down from heaven to rescue us from all of our sins. Jesus, the God-Man, who lived a perfect life and loves you dearly, died a sinner’s death on the cross for you so all your sins may be taken away. He then rose from the grave three days later so that those who trust in him may have NEW life (born again- spiritual life= eternal life).

If your neighbour’s house was on fire, would you yell and shout for their rescue? This friends is no different. Our world is on fire by sin and our only answer is the Gospel- Jesus who died on the cross for you. I ask you now, would you like to be forgiven. Repent (turn) and come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. The bible empathically says that he loves you and is faithful to forgive. There are communities of people who want to live for Jesus just like you- this is called the church. If you are a Christian and read this, ask God the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts and lead us to Jesus our Lord and Saviour. We all need him!

If you would like to get in contact with me or find some great resources to explore further or even pose a question, please email . I will post a list of websites shortly, that have great resources for those who would love to further explore the Kingdom of God.

Over and out until next time! Praise God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

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