Saturday, April 17, 2010

Love: The Essential Ingredient

For the past two weeks, I have been reading Romans. I have found Romans 12:9-10, "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection", very convicting. Rich, Christ centred fellowship and brotherly love is so essential to our walk with Christ, and emotionally as people. Jesus died to join us with God and each other in fellowship (1 John 1).

When sin entered into creation (Genesis 3) not only was Adam and Eve's relationship with God severed, but also their relationship with each other was severed (Genesis 3:7). Sin destroys love and relationshipships. So destructive is sin, that all of humankind turned from being in perfect relationship with each other and with God, to conflict and death as evident with Cain and Abel (Genesis 4). Demonstrations of this in our culture are seen in divorce, domestic violence, crime etc.

As children born again through the atoning work of Christ, we (as the church) are being regenerated back into the image first intended by God. The bible often uses the phrase 'fellowship with one another' to speak of relationship. The Greek word for fellowship basically means a deep relationship / participation in each others life. This rich fellowship is made possible by God the Holy Spirit, drawing us together to the point that we may confess our sins and be cleansed by Jesus (1 John 1:9), and therefore grow in love for both God and one another.

It is evident that throughout Romans the church in Rome was experiencing division inregard to heap of issues (i.e. food, special days etc). Paul, so clearly presents to the church in Rome the answer to the division is the gospel, demonstrating to them that they no longer live separated by sin, but rather live by the Spirit who unifies them under Jesus. We too must head this teaching as we strive to have fellowship with God and each other.

Love is the essential ingredient for rich fellowship, which is only made possible through Jesus.

So I leave you with these questions:

* First of all, is Jesus your Lord and Saviour?

* Secondly, do you engage in rich fellowship?