Monday, August 30, 2010

Science and Jesus (2): Do the Bible and Science Correlate?

 Professor Richard Dawkins and his New Atheists have attacked the integrity of the Bible by saying that it does not correlate with science. Take for example Genesis 1’s account of creation in six days – science clearly points out that the world developed over a long period of time.

So, is the bible a reliable text in light of this information? Tom Nelson has this to say about the matter:

It is extremely important to recognise that the bible is not a purely scientific text, but rather a theological text that, at times, deals with scientific issues i.e. creation, the origin of life etc. The bibles primary aim is to reveal the nature of God and his relationship with his creation. With this in mind, we must read the bible theologically. For example, if you wanted to learn about biology, you would need to read a biology textbook; if you wanted to read about cognitive development in children, you would need to read a psychology text.

Therefore, to say that the bible is inaccurate because it doesn’t thoroughly deal with scientific issues is irrational as you are looking in the wrong place for that information. The bible, when read appropriately, is scientifically and historically accurate. It is extremely important to read the bible “biblically”.

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