Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stuff! Are you all about it?

Take a look at your life for a moment and think, if someone was to watch me for a day, what conclusion would they draw from their observations? I am not speaking moralistically as such, but rather, what do you value most in life? What or who are you living for?

Now, watch this compelling video. It was produced by Annie Leonard (The Story of Stuff):

At this point, I am not sure whether I necessarily share the same spiritual views as Annie as I don’t know her personally. However, she raises an interesting point – we live in a society that is enslaved by the machine of consumerism! Our lives are consumed with consuming more stuff, which is an empty and destructive pursuit.

Am I saying that buying stuff is against God? No, but I am trying to push forward a point. Why not let Jesus, God incarnate, creator of the Universe speak for himself. Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, that is where your heart lies also” (Matthew 6:21). Then latter in the gospel of Matthew, Jesus said: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field (Matthew 13:44). The issue isn’t with buying stuff, but rather, what is at the centre of your life? Do you live and work simply to buy things, which brake or rust and are worth nothing in the end anyway? Is consumerism is what life is all about or is there a deeper more fulfilling meaning to life?

The answer is simple, and Jesus stated it in the verse above. The kingdom of heaven basically is God’s people living in perfect relationship with him. Jesus likens it to a treasure, the most valuable thing in the entire world. It is so valuable that life is meaningless without it. God created us to know, love and enjoy him, and vice versa – this is the treasure. A life without God is essentially meaningless.

Life does not need to be this way. Our rejection and denial of God can be done away with through Jesus, God in human form. You don’t have to live enslaved by consumerism anymore and you can now live for the most valuable treasure in the world – God!

So, what will you place as the treasure of your life? Will it be that stuff you bought that will only break within the next few weeks, or would you prefer a fulfilling relationship with God?

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