Monday, February 14, 2011

What the (3): Love is in the Air!

This is a bit of a gear shift from talking about Psychology and Evolution but I think that it is necessary to highlight the relationship between Christianity and Valentine’s Day. Did you know that Valentine's Day is about 1 500 years old? This is the day where every man or woman reaches for the chocolates and roses to give to their loved one.

It should be no surprise that Christians instigated a day like this as the bible describes our Trinitarian God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) as love. There are tons of passages in the bible that explain that God is love, who loves us exhaustively (Psalm 5:7, 11; 17:7; 103:11; 108:4; John 3:16; 15:9, 12-13; 1 John 4:9-12, 16 – I could go on but I found way to many). This love is truely demonstrated to us in that even though we have disobeyed God, he came to earth as the man Jesus to rescue us from all of our rebellion.

The Martyrs

In the first and second centuries, Christians that lived in the Roman Empire experienced mass persecution for following Jesus as the one and only God. The accounts from these Christians are horrific and stand testament to the un-shack ability of the trust given them by Jesus.

A few of these Christians, whom were murdered went by the name of Valentine. Some of these men were named Saints by the Catholic Church and a day was commemorated in memory of their martyrdom.

Valentines Day

Today, Valentines is celebrated to share the love and affection with your spouse or partner. This custom arose in the Middle Ages after the Catholic Church deleted “Valentines Day” from the calendar. Either way, it is a nice day to spend romantically with your spouse.

The love that has been given us, ultimately is a reflection of the God whom created all things. Why not on this day, pick up a bible and have a read about the God who is, and who created love and finally demonstrated his love for us 2000 years ago on the cross!

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