Monday, March 21, 2011

The Book of Obadiah

You have to wonder sometimes, who really is in control with all the wars, tsunamis, earthquakes and corruption. The Old Testament book called Obadiah goes along way at addressing these issues.

Obadiah was probably written in the mid 500’s BC by the Prophet Obadiah. He wrote this book during great heartache and pain, as his country Judah (the southern section of Israel) was conquered by the Babylonian’s. Judah’s neighbouring country, the Edomities, simply rejoiced at the misfortune that had come Judah’s way and capitalized on the situation by taking much of Judah’s wealth.

This book has many implications for our lives, as we live in a world that seems to so much injustice in it. Obadiah calls us to look to God for security and answers, and not ourselves and our possessions. This is a gem of a book! On the blog, I will expound this book in a three post series, so stay posted.

Follow the link below to access the book of Obadiah:

The Book of Obadiah (ESV)

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I pray the Lord blesses your time and that your study may be fruitful in Jesus name.

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