Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Resource Review: Life of Jesus

Have you ever considered the historical and real Jesus? Do you believe that Christianity is a myth with no historical proof? The Life of Jesus is a fantastic resource that aims at examining the tangible evidence of the existence of Jesus, his death and resurrection. This is a must!

What really happened back in the first century, in Jerusalem and around the lake of Galilee, that changed the shape of world history? Who is this figure that emerges from history to have a profound impact on culture, ethics, politics and philosophy? Come with historian John Dickson on this six-episode journey through the life of Jesus, from birth to his reported resurrection. Shot on location in Israel, the Life of Jesus documentary includes 25 bonus conversations between John Dickson and Greg Clarke about the philosophical and personal issues arising from Jesus' life and teaching.

Price: Approx. $24.95
There is also a book available by John Dickson on the “Life of Jesus”

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